Cogen: Sword of Rewind (a.k.a. COGEN:大鳥こはくと刻の剣), from Gemdrops Game Studios, is a melee action game starring Kohaku Ootori as she fights robotic enemies in Cogen City, and uncovers its mysteries. As the title suggests, Kohaku wields a sword (a talking sword to be more precise) that has the power to rewind time, allowing her to reverse time to correct mistakes or save her own life. The sword is also her primary means of dealing with enemies and obstacles, as she can smash through certain blocks, slash baddies and bosses, and deflect enemy projectiles back at them. Music for the game was composed by Motoi Sakuraba, who previously composed for several games in the Tales of series and Dark Souls series, and numerous other games, with credits going back to the late 80's.
The game is now available for PC via Steam and Xbox One and X/S via Microsoft Store, and it's arriving soon on PS4 and Switch.
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