July 2, 2019

Proximity Alert: Grelox

Grelox, from Sunteam, is a game that takes its inspirations from Zillion on the Master System, and the developer has even gone so far as to limit the color pallette to that of Sega's famed 8-bit console... although the graphical fidelity is more in line with a 16-bit game. You take on the role of a woman named Grelox who is out hunting a crime boss on a distant planet. In order to explore the environment, Grelox must access various computer terminals and disable them, which in turn opens locked doors. The game takes place in across seven themed areas in a nonlinear world made up of single screen environments.

The game is nearing the end of development as is planned as a free release for PC soon.

To find more promising 2D games currently under development, be sure to check out our Master List.


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