June 23, 2021

New Blip: Gearshifters

Gearshifters, from Red Phantom Games, represents a heretofore unseen amalgamation of genres with its arcade-style car combat roguelike shoot 'em up action. You rip down the highway in your weapon-equipped vehicle blasting enemies ahead and behind, smashing through obstacles, and dodging return fire. You have a variety of weapons and defenses at your disposal - with upgrades purchased by taking on dangerous jobs to earn money - and you're able to skid to the side so you can blast enemies at angles. You shoot your way through enemy vehicles, trucks that absorb more damage, and huge bosses in the form of construction vehicles, jet-powered hot rods, and various transforming machinations. And yeah, the game is fully 3D, but it's got the spirit of a souped-up adrenalized horizontal Spy Hunter, so it's on the Watchlist!

The game is coming to PC, Switch, PS4, and Xbox One later this year.

To find more promising 2D games currently under development, be sure to check out our 2D Watchlist.


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