October 21, 2023

Target Acquired: Laika: Aged Through Blood

Brainwash Gang presents Laika: Aged Through Blood, a game that seems to be named after everyone's favorite canine cosmonaut. You take on the role of a coyote warrior as she sets out across the post-apocalyptic wasteland in a motorcycle-based metroidvania (McGrathvania?) on the road to revenge. Fortunately, she shoots as well as she rides, as she races through the landscape, hits ramps, and gets big air while blasting baddies in the face with her trusty pistol and sawed-off shotgun, and she reloads by doing backflips! But wasteland soldiers aren't the only danger... she must also face down huge mutant creatures that have been repurposed for war. And when she's not performing facial deconstructive surgery on her enemies, she's cruising through a beautiful hand-drawn world.

The game is now available for PC via Steam, Epic, and GOG, and it's also planned for release on consoles.


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