April 30, 2015

New Blip: Moon Hunters

Kitfox Games presents Moon Hunters, an action-RPG for 1-4 players – with multiple character classes to choose from – that moves between fast-paced combat and slow-paced NPC interactions. Your adventures will push you into the boundaries of the known world to discover new territory and new landmarks in a randomly-generated environment.

Your actions in the world and interactions with NPC’s will determine how you are remembered, and your character’s legend carries over from one play session to the next. Sessions are designed to last only a couple of hours, but repeated play reveals more about the game world and allows the player to establish himself within the various tribes’ belief systems and mythologies. Steam versions are planned to support online co-op (in addition to a solo and local co-op), whereas online co-op is currently TBD on Sony platforms.

Moon Hunters is coming in February 2016 to PC and Mac via Steam, as well as PS4 and Vita via PSN.


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