December 18, 2018

Proximity Alert: Double Cross

13AM Games, the developers behind Runbow, have returned with Double Cross, a colorful puzzle-platformer starring Zahra, an agent of R.I.F.T. (Regulators of Interdimensional Frontiers and Technology). She uses her powers to move between dimensions and fight enemies in order to restore peace, while investigating the culprit behind an attack on RIFT headquarters. She has a Proton Slinger that lets her fling herself between grapple points to zip around the environment, but she can also grab objects out of the air and toss them, allowing her to take down obstacles and enemies. Over the course of her adventure, Zahra is able to upgrade her abilities using a substance called Upgradium (hmm...), allowing her to grapple her foes, climb walls, and take down boss creatures.

The game is coming to PC and Switch on January 10.

To find more promising 2D games currently under development, be sure to check out our Master List.


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