10 Second Ninja was originally released in 2014 and featured a ninja fighting Nazi robots, complete with swastikas and a robot version of Hitler... Fast-forward a few years, and developer Dan Pearce is revisiting the game with 10 Second Ninja X under the new studio label Four Circle Interactive. The goal of the game is the same: to beat each level in 10 seconds or less - usually way less in order to get the best rankings - but the Nazi factor has been excised in favor of robots that appear to be wearing red vests (but probably not).
The ninja can run, jump, and double jump to get around environments and must quickly slash away at up-close enemies and toss throwing stars to blast enemies from across the room. The original game featured 40 levels across four themed worlds, and this game contains remastered version of those levels, along with 60 new levels, a number of unlockable items, and leaderboards for every level so you can demonstrate your ability to achieve completion one hundredth of a second faster than the competition.
The game is being released on July 19 PC via Steam, with releases also planned for PS4, Vita, and Xbox One. A demo is now available on the game's Steam page.
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